A Research-Driven Program


A Faith-Based, Research-Driven, Holistic Program

Technology Free for Grades K-8th:  Current research proves that screen time has a negative impact on student wellness and academic performance(1).  The research also shows that attention spans among children and adults are deteriorating and the multi-tasking culture of the internet has been directly correlated with these findings.  A tech-free environment fosters sustained attention, deep thinking, and overall mental and physical health(2). 

Holistic:  Holistic education is concerned with the development of the whole child.  Holistic schools are heavily project-based, experiential, and focus on the application of learned concepts.  We also remove subject barriers.  This allows the brain to optimally process and relate material to previous experiences.  It is not uncommon for a history lesson to involve geographical, mathematical, biblical, and scientific elements that allow for children to build upon prior knowledge and strengthen synaptic connections(3). 

Customized:  Our school has created a course plan that includes a collection of grade-level standards from the world’s top project-based schools while still remaining region specific when applicable.  Our course plan promotes vertical and horizontal learning.  Skills build upon one another from semester to semester as well as from year to year; A method that greatly promotes consolidation.  Classroom assignments and projects are designed for the highest-level learner and modified accordingly.  Intervention work is personally designed for students who need to shore up weaknesses or fill in gaps from previous years through daily Math and English Foundations classes. 

Connected:   Research shows that our generation is losing the ability to connect with one another and therefore suffering from the highest levels of loneliness to date(4).  We believe one of the best ways to strengthen human connection is by observing traditions together.  Our students and families play an active role in the following traditions: Harvest Festival of Courage, Lantern Walk, Winter Concert, Candlemas, and May Day.  These traditions create a strong sense of connection to the Lord, His seasons, and to one another.     

Pro-Student: Test-driven curriculums have proved harmful and neglect to give a comprehensive assessment of the whole child(5).  Our students are assessed individually using a qualitative model: Performance-Based Assessments.  These holistic assessments work in sync with our Course Plan (Tasks and Content) and highlight where student performance falls using the Growth Key.  These assessments are detailed descriptions of student progress and serve as a beautiful review of student strengths and weaknesses in a variety of categories that honor the whole child. 


“This is exactly the type of substantiated paradigm shift in the field of education that I would want to see for my own children.  If our program resonates with you, let’s grow in wisdom, wonder, and worship together.”               

-Principal Buckner


1. Center for Humane Technology. (2022).  Extractive Technology Is Harming Future Generations.  https://www.humanetech.com/future-generations

2. American Psychological Association. (2023). Speaking of Psychology: Why Our Attention Spans Are Shrinking, with Gloria Mark, PhD. https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/attention-spans

3. Bernard, S. (2010).  Neuroplasticity: Learning Physically Changes the Brain.   https://www.edutopia.org/neuroscience-brain-based-learning-neuroplasticity

4. Rodriquez, A. (2023). USA Today. Americans Are Lonely and It’s Killing Them. How The US Can Combat This New Epidemic. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/12/24/loneliness-epidemic-u-s-surgeon-general-solution/71971896007/

5. Kohn, A. (2000). The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools.  https://www.heinemann.com/products/e00325.aspx