A Research-Driven Program


A Faith-Based, Research-Driven, Holistic Program

Technology Free for Grades K-8th:  Current research proves that screen time has a negative impact on student wellness and academic performance(1).  The research also shows that attention spans among children and adults are deteriorating and the multi-tasking culture of the internet has been directly correlated with these findings.  A tech-free environment fosters sustained attention, deep thinking, and overall mental and physical health(2). 

Holistic:  Holistic education is concerned with the development of the whole child.  Holistic schools are heavily project-based, experiential, and focus on the application of learned concepts.  We also remove subject barriers.  This allows the brain to optimally process and relate material to previous experiences.  It is not uncommon for a history lesson to involve geographical, mathematical, biblical, and scientific elements that allow for children to build upon prior knowledge and strengthen synaptic connections(3). 

Customized:  Our school has created a course plan that includes a collection of grade-level standards from the world’s top project-based schools while still remaining region specific when applicable.  Our course plan promotes vertical and horizontal learning.  Skills build upon one another from semester to semester as well as from year to year; A method that greatly promotes consolidation.  Classroom assignments and projects are designed for the highest-level learner and modified accordingly.  Intervention work is personally designed for students who need to shore up weaknesses or fill in gaps from previous years through daily Math and English Foundations classes. 

Connected:   Research shows that our generation is losing the ability to connect with one another and therefore suffering from the highest levels of loneliness to date(4).  We believe one of the best ways to strengthen human connection is by observing traditions together.  Our students and families play an active role in the following traditions: Harvest Festival of Courage, Lantern Walk, Winter Concert, Candlemas, and May Day.  These traditions create a strong sense of connection to the Lord, His seasons, and to one another.     

Pro-Student: Test-driven curriculums have proved harmful and neglect to give a comprehensive assessment of the whole child(5).  Our students are assessed individually using a qualitative model: Performance-Based Assessments.  These holistic assessments work in sync with our Course Plan (Tasks and Content) and highlight where student performance falls using the Growth Key.  These assessments are detailed descriptions of student progress and serve as a beautiful review of student strengths and weaknesses in a variety of categories that honor the whole child. 


“This is exactly the type of substantiated paradigm shift in the field of education that I would want to see for my own children.  If our program resonates with you, let’s grow in wisdom, wonder, and worship together.”               

-Principal Buckner


1. Center for Humane Technology. (2022).  Extractive Technology Is Harming Future Generations.  https://www.humanetech.com/future-generations

2. American Psychological Association. (2023). Speaking of Psychology: Why Our Attention Spans Are Shrinking, with Gloria Mark, PhD. https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/attention-spans

3. Bernard, S. (2010).  Neuroplasticity: Learning Physically Changes the Brain.   https://www.edutopia.org/neuroscience-brain-based-learning-neuroplasticity

4. Rodriquez, A. (2023). USA Today. Americans Are Lonely and It’s Killing Them. How The US Can Combat This New Epidemic. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/12/24/loneliness-epidemic-u-s-surgeon-general-solution/71971896007/

5. Kohn, A. (2000). The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools.  https://www.heinemann.com/products/e00325.aspx

FAITH’s View on Standardized Testing

Chapel Friday!

There is no doubt about it; student assessments play an important role in any school.  Assessments are often times the driving force behind changes to a school’s pedagogy.  However, the research that has surfaced in regards to standardized testing has raised concerns about its efficacy. Below are some of the major reasons why we at FAITH have joined many other schools in saying no to the one-size-fits-all approach that is standardized testing, and what we do instead:

1. We have a customized curriculum.  Our Tasks and Content are not limited to what a particular state mandates a school to teach.  Our curriculum is designed from a variety of reliable sources to produce the best content possible.  This is an ongoing process and involves painstaking efforts to ensure that we are always on the cutting edge of curriculum development.  But it is a cause worth fighting for.  Our children deserve the best!  Therefore, it is illogical to place our students into a box that we exist outside of, especially when our funding has nothing to do with it.   

2. We have our own assessment model.  At FAITH, we assess students individually according to our customized Tasks and Content for each grade level and subject area.  At the end of each main lesson block (and starting next year, at the end of each semester course as well), your child’s teacher will complete a Performance-Based Assessment on his/her strengths and weaknesses in relation to: Application of Tasks & Content, Attitude Towards Self and Others, Participation, and provide Goals Moving Forward.  This holistic assessment is used to provide parents and teachers with valuable insight into the development of the whole child.  Steven L. Solnick, Head of School at Calhoun in Manhattan published an article in 2019 in which he concludes with the statement “Maybe there is a silver lining - perhaps the growing unease with standardized tests as measures of achievement will stimulate the active development of alternative assessment and reporting schemes which accommodate and celebrate a wide variety of intelligences, achievement, and learning styles.”

3. We are a small school.  Individualized student growth is our specialty.  There is a reason why smalls schools are the hidden gems of our society.  Be encouraged!  The research proves that small schools have the highest marks for student achievement, safety, and emotional health.  Please see our previous article: Small Schools: The Hidden Gems (Buckner, 2023)

4. Standardized tests neglect to give a comprehensive assessment of the whole child.

5. It is widely known in the educational sector that standardized testing eclipses more valuable and impactful activities.    

6. We want to be advocates for change.  “The more we learn about standardized testing, the more likely we are to be appalled. And the more appalled we are, the more inclined we will be to do what is necessary to protect our children.” (Kohn, 2000) By saying no to the standardized testing model, we are practicing what we preach.  We want to raise innovative, critical thinkers, who are willing to question their surroundings, conduct their own research, and take a leap into something greater.  We are also not alone.  Many schools around the world are choosing to leave standardized testing behind.  Thriving schools, might we add. 

7. Many colleges and universities are also doing away with the SAT/ACT requirements in a large part due to the data that shows a correlation between test performance and socio-economic factors. (Solnick, 2019)

8. Colleges want well-rounded, analytical thinkers, who have the emotional intelligence to contribute to their campus.  Students from holistic schools have a reputation for being academically and emotionally gifted.  We will continue to offer the PSAT and the SAT as an option for our 8th-11th and 12th grade students, if any of them are interested, but it will never be required.  

We hope these points help you understand our view against the culture of standardized tests.  Our educational model is shifting and we are committed to being trailblazers in our community as we research the best ways to teach the next generation.  We are not an anti-assessment establishment by any means.  But we can confidently say that there is a better way to measure and quantify student growth and achievement and use that data to enrich our program and bless our students. 

As an administrator, I am very pleased with the like-minded individuals we have at FAITH.  Our families play an active role in their child’s upbringing and it shows.  We have something very special here as we utilize Faith-Based Holistic Education for optimal growth and performance.  Proverbs 3:6 “In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”

Solnick, S. (2019). Headlines from Steve.

Kohn, A. (2000). The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools

Buckner, R. (2023). Small Schools: Hidden Gems. https://fcacoalinga.com/news

Written By Principal Buckner

Wisdom, Wonder, & Worship

Proverbs 1:7 states “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

There is not a scientist, educator, astrophysicist, mathematician, artist, philosopher, nor any other professional who can hold a candle to the Lord and His infinite wisdom. We are merely the creation of an Almighty and All-Powerful Creator! If we acquire any wisdom, it is from Him. If we feel a sense of wonder, may it lead us to diligently seek Him. But most importantly, if we worship anything with our time and resources, may it be Him and Him alone.

As we head into this beautiful season of Spring, I want to encourage you to take a moment to remember the meaning of Easter. God, in his infinite wisdom, created a plan of redemption for us through his Son, Jesus Christ. As we approach Easter Sunday, may we be filled with a child-like wonder when we think about the cross. For He alone is worthy of our praise and worship.

From all of us at FAITH, we wish you a beautiful spring break and an awe-filled Easter Sunday.

Chapel Friday, 2024

The Journey of True Learning

What do most of us do when we are curious as to how something works? We take out our phones and Google it, of course! But, what do you think would happen if we slowed down and tried to visualize it, process it, understand a piece of it, make our own hypothesis, before running to the search engine? You would be much closer to actually understanding it for yourself. You may even surprise yourself with how much you can learn by letting your brain do the thinking first. Learning is all about the journey to the conclusion. When children are in school, education is the journey they embark upon to explore the world around them. Memorizing answers should never be the goal. For real learning to take place, it must be about the process of pondering. Children need environments where the adults in their life allow them to learn. At Faith, one day on our campus will confirm that you have stepped into a world where children are encouraged to think and learn by doing! The children tend to the garden, crack their own eggs in cooking class, build models of shapes in math, discuss their own interpretations of Dante, set up their chess boards, pluck the strings of their guitars, whittle their own projects in woodworking, and the list goes on.

I have seen so much growth in my own children this past year. They are less concerned about screen time and more interested in working with their hands and exploring various forms of art when they return home from school. Not only that, but this past week when we made Christmas cookies, my children sat at the table, weighed, measured, poured, and stirred every part with a patience and attention span that thoroughly impressed me. There were even comments made along the way of, “We’ve got this mom, we’ve learned all of this in Baking class.” It is moments like these where the impact of experiential learning truly shines. Children that attend tech-free, experiential schools have better social skills, higher academic achievement, and an all around better sense of self and what brings them joy. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all desire for our children?

With love,


Written by Rebecca Buckner, Principal

Small Schools: The Hidden Gems

Students preparing for the Harvest Festival of Courage, 2023.

For as long as I can remember, the words small school seemed to have a negative connotation. Combo classes, mixed aged groups, and the frequent comments of how small schools cannot possibly prepare a child for the “real world.” But decades later, the research is proving that small schools are the true hidden gems of our society and students in these environments are absolutely thriving! More and more families are flocking to small schools as their top choice. Small schools have the highest marks when it comes to student safety, attendance, and academic achievement. The model in which people thought could not possibly be beneficial is now the one that research suggests is the most successful!

Below is a link to a wonderful article titled Small School, Thriving Students by Tracie Saucier that I feel everyone should read. https://summerfieldwaldorf.org/small-school-thriving-students/

We have seen it first hand at FAITH, especially since going tech-free for K-8th grade and introducing more Humanities classes in 2023. Students are learning more and developing deeper relationships with the world around them, their studies, and other students. A large reason being that we are a small school. Students feel seen, are encouraged to explore, and are surrounded by nature, loving teachers, and friends. These are just a few of the many benefits that are made possible when you belong to a small school. Parent involvement is high as families have joined us in our efforts to fill the atmosphere with wonder and tradition. Again, another amazing product of a…small school.

It is time that we throw away the old notion that bigger is always better because quite frankly, when it comes to school size, that is just not the case.

Written by Rebecca Buckner, Principal.

FCA Response to COVID-19

Dear FCA Family,

Yes, FCA will remain in session. We are not recommending school closure at this time. As of this writing, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the city of Coalinga. We will continue to monitor the situation and are working with the Fresno County Department of Public Health (CDC), and will continue to monitor the situation over the coming days and provide updates if things should change.  

We are following the appropriate guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to keep our classrooms and school as clean and hygienic as possible, while ensuring all of our employees take necessary precautions to stay healthy and work remotely as needed. Prevention for us all begins with the basics: washing hands frequently, covering coughs or sneezes, and avoiding contact with people who are symptomatic.  

The cleanliness of our school is always a top priority for us, and now more than ever. In addition to our regular cleaning procedures, increased sanitation measures have been put in place. There are hand sanitize stations at each classroom to use before entering and as you exit. Please use these hand sanitizers for everyone’s wellness.

If you are uncomfortable sending your child to school, you may make arrangements to keep your child at home. Homework will be given at the teacher’s discretion via email or pick up.

Preschool and K4 sign-in and sign-out is limited to only one parent or one grandparent. No siblings please. If needed, text/call Mrs. Ramsey (559) 381-2636 or Ms. Patty (559) 404-8860 and she will meet you at the gate with the sign-in book.

Staff will also be doing a health check on students when they arrive to make sure they are healthy. They will be looking for runny noses to make sure they aren't discolored, and checking for fevers.

If your child has been sick within 24-hours of the start of a new school day, we ask that you please keep your child home. If a student at school becomes sick or has a fever, staff takes immediate action to separate that student from others and to send that student home.

There have been two cases of COVID-19 reported in Fresno County, one case in Madera County and two cases in Tulare County, none in Merced or Kings County.

The Fresno County Department of Health has confirmed there is currently “no immediate threat to the general public in Fresno County.” The Kings County Department of Health has stated, “The immediate risk still remains low for the U.S. public at this time, and there are currently no reported cases in Kings County or surrounding counties.”

We recognize that this is a quickly evolving situation. State and county public health officials are continuously assessing the situation and will alert the community as the situation changes. We will also send updates specific to FCA as changes arise.

We want to assure you that we are working hard to keep your children, our employees, and others in our community safe. We are working with our staff and administration to plan in the event we are advised to close the school. If this should happen you would be advised with information on how to proceed.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


FCA Administration

Faith Christian High School Brings Home a Win at Scrimmage Game

Wow! After watching our Faith Christian Warrior Soccer team on the field, we knew these boys had some amazing talent! 


In late August, Faith Christian High School played a scrimmage game against Coalinga High School at the West Hills College practice field. It was an exciting match between both schools. Both teams played hard and gave it their all on the field. As the boys darted across the field, you could see their strength and determination as well as their love for the sport! This game had the crowd on the edge of their seats, cheering the boys on as they showed how hard they have been working.  


Coach Bruno has done an excellent job coaching these players! His skill set and playing experience has really shown that he is the best person for the job, and we are glad that he has joined our Faith Christian family!  


Even though we had the smaller team, they were able to keep pace with Coalinga High School and give them a good challenge. One of our goals is to prove that it’s not the size of the team that matters but it’s the drive and grit of each player on the field as well as their willingness to push through any obstacle. We are grateful for our new students and their abilities as they continue to play soccer for us. We look forward to cheering at more of their games throughout the year!  


Back to School Updates

Welcome everyone to the 2019/2020 school year! We are so excited for this new school year and for everything we have planned for our students. There is a lot going on this year and we are so thrilled that you are on this journey with us! Here are some of this years highlights:

Welcoming our International Students

We welcomed 12 Brazilian students to our Faith Christian family this school year! We have partnered with the A10 Academy in Brazil to help bring students to North America to attend school, work towards obtaining their high school diploma and be part of a soccer program here in the states. They are already such an amazing blessing to our school and we are so thrilled that they are joining us this year. 

Faith Christian Pre-School 2 Year Old Program

We expanded our preschool program this year to include the acceptance of two year olds. Our teachers made it their goal over the summer to get this up and running for this year. One thing that we emphasized with this program is that we are teaming up with parents to help the “potty-training” process with their little ones. Our preschool teachers are also focusing on hands-on learning for these little ones to encourage a strong developmental growth. This is something we are super happy to move forward with this year. 

Faith Christian High School Soccer Team

Faith Christian High School is proud to announce that we have a soccer team this year! This is a first for us and we couldn’t be more excited. Our team is composed of amazing students/players who are incredibly talented and have such a strong motivation and love for the sport. A majority of these athletes are our international students from Brazil who came to North America to play soccer and attend high school. These students also have an awesome coach - Bruno Brumati. Bruno was born and raised in Brazil and came over to California to play soccer while he was attending college. We are so excited  to cheer them on this year and watch them have an amazing season. GO WARRIORS!  

Moving our High School Students Back to the High School Campus

It’s been a little bit of time since we have held classes at our high school campus. We moved all high school students to our main campus a couple of years ago as we had a smaller sized group of  high school students. However, this year we grew tremendously and knew it was time to make our way back home. So, our high school teachers set-up their classrooms over the summer and welcomed our new and returning high school students.

This year has truly been a blessing for us in so many ways and it has only just begun. We are so grateful to all of our teachers, parents and community members invested in Faith Christian. Your support and kindness mean the world to us. We are more than just a school; we are a family. WE ARE WARRIORS!

Welcome to Our Updated Website!

We are so exited to share our updated website with you all! If you have visited the previous version of our website, you will notice a lot of the new changes and additions we have made. At Faith Christian Academy, we always strive to provide the BEST for students and parents, and this update gives us the opportunity to share with you more of the current events and updates on campus as well as what’s to come in the future.

Now we can’t spoil all of the new and exciting things to come this next school year so we hope this post gets you as excited as we are!

Stay tuned and don’t forget to check for updates over the summer!

- FCA Staff